
AI-Care Platform

An integrated, collaborative environment, connecting stakeholders in healthcare

Product Features / Use Cases

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Contemporary, combined technologies (cloud, web, mobile, clinical algorithms, internet of medical things,  AI & machine learning) are used to offer healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers a connected, cloud-based environment, where innovative, automated procedures address their own different perspectives for a shared personalized treatment plan, remote monitoring, supported self-management and enhanced communication and collaboration.




Connected Healthcare

AI-based HEALTH Prevention

Decentralized + Hybrid Clinical Trials

e-Patient Support

Patient/Healthy User Empowerment

Patients register in the AI-Care Platform and download the corresponding native mobile app (iOS & Android).

Healthcare professionals register in the AI-Care Platform and create their own profile into the platform’s digital ecosystem. They can also use the platform to invite and treat their own patients.

Therefore, an advanced communication and collaboration healthcare ecosystem is automatically created, enhancing and inspiring all the relative stakeholders to better manage their various challenges regarding  health preventioin and management.

Moreover, the AI-Care virtual assistant eliminates users’ daily burden by taking care of their needs based on their individual medical profile.