About Us
Founded in 2017 in London by a medical doctor, Hermes Healthcare LTD is a sophisticated technology company that develops breakthrough solutions in healthcare, using various technologies such as cloud computing, web, mobile. clinical algorithms, internet of medical things, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Hermes Healthcare Greece is a subsidiary, and member of Elevate Greece, the official public registry of the most innovative start-up technology companies in Greece.

Our Vision
Designing and developing intelligent and efficient technology in healthcare requires not only capable IT experts, but furthermore, deep knowledge and experience in the medical practice field. Hermes Healthcare’s team combines both requirements for achieving excellence in the new era of healthcare.
Our core philosophy is to provide healthcare stakeholders, including healthy citizens and chronic patients with intelligent electronic solutions, so that they perform a 5P health & prevention (Predictive, Preventive, Participating, Personalized, Precision).
Here in Hermes Healthcare, we consider patients and healthy users of the AI-Care Platform as the heart of our digital ecosystem and therefore, we have designed a comprehensive solution to empower them during their healthcare journey.

Hermes Healthcare
Building Relationships in Healthcare
Improving Quality of Life